jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

Human Evolution Timeline !

Did you know?

1. About 800,000 years ago, the fire was controlled by early humans.

2. About 6 million years ago most early human species became bipedal.

3. The Homo Habilis used to live in Eastern and southern Africa.

4. About 12,000 years ago, humans managed to control the growth and breeding of some 
plants and animals.

5. The sahelanthropus tchadensis is the earliest human species from the timeline.

1.     Answer these questions:

1. What's been the role of climate change in the development of humans?
The role of climate change in human development has been fundamental because it has been constantly changing as a result of humans and nature. This change has led to the extinction of some species, to prepare more for some extreme climates, to create diversity of species both animal and plant, which has allowed humans to diversify habits such as creating more diets and new constructions.

2. In your opinion, what is the most significant milestone for the human evolution? Why?
The most significant milestone is to begin to walk on two legs, because that gives more hierarchy to the body, allowing you to occupy the upper extremes to make, create and occupy things, thanks to this could occupy stones and other utensils and create fire.

3. Which early human species was thought to be the first to use tools made from stone?
The homo habilis were the first to use stone tools, 2.4 million years ago.

4. Who were the first human species to travel to and live in Europe? When?
The homo heidelbergensis were the first early humans to venture unto the cold latitudes of Europa at 700.000 years ago. Later, the homo neanderthalensis at 400.000 years ago.

5. Which species survived for the longest time? For how long?

Species such as Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Paranthropus boisei and Australophitecus africanus have lived for a long time, approximately one million years each. However it is the Homo erectus that was kept for longer, reaching approximately 2 million years.

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